Re: [Proposals] Rename jars file, release 1.7.0

From: Scott Oaks <Scott.Oaks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:28:31 -0500

> > (2) Pending Scott proposal and Jruby/DoS issues we are currently
> > discussing, I would like to cut 1.7.0 release tomorrow or Monday. We
> > have added significant numbers of new features as an official release
> > is probably required :-) Based on Ken proposal, I would like to jump
> > from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0. I would then integrate 1.7.0 in a variety of
> > products like GlassFish v3, Sailfin, Jersey, Jetty, etc. I will be on
> > the road for the next two weeks and having an official release to
> > demonstrate for the Grizzly's Javapolis talk will be nice :-)

Given Kristoffer's comments (and pending info from Harsha), I think
there are changes still to be made to the protocol parsing proposal. So
I don't think that can be incorporated today or Monday -- but maybe you
can rev anyway (keeping what's there) for Javapolis.
