Hello Charlie,
there is warmup phase for each testcase, which is not counted in the
final result.
charlie hunt wrote:
> Alexey,
> I haven't looked at the source code you committed and at japex :-/
> How does does grizzlypex handle things like ignoring JVM warm up being
> recorded as part of what is measured ?
> thanks,
> charlie ...
> Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I've commited GrizzlyPex under Grizzly 1.5 modules/grizzlypex.
>> It's benchmark framework for Grizzly, built on top of Japex [1].
>> For now it is working with 'ant' and has just 2 testcases to measure
>> echo speed (request/reply) for different protocols, and controller
>> start/stop speed. (more info is in readme file).
>> Current GrizzlyPex version measures bm of Grizzly framework, which
>> framework.jar file is put to grizzlypex/lib directory.
>> GrizzlyPex framework will be extended and put on Hudson, where I will
>> schedule daily bm measurement work.
>> WBR,
>> Alexey.
>> [1] japex.dev.java.net
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