Sven Reimers wrote:
> Yes you were right. An updated version is available from the
> updatecenter, where you originally got the plugin from.
> Thank for pointing out the defect.
> Hope it works for you now - nothing better than a satisfied and happy
> customer ;-)
> -
Unfortunately it still doesn't work. After upgrading to the latest
FindBugs plugin,
I took a copy of my current CORBA development workspace, started NB 5.5
under JDK 6u2, compiled the project, and clicked on FindBugs. I let it
run for
about an hour or so, but it still did not complete. All that FindBugs
says is
"FindBugs - [Unknown Progress-state] Java CORBA Development: codegen
(the end of that is the current name of the project).
Any ideas?