Re: can I use grizzly to develop a push server for both desktop and web client applications

From: Emre Özcan <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 22:44:12 +0300


Thanks for your quick reply.

Here is the story. Subjet of the project is Currency, Options, Future
Online Platform. There will be a backoffice application to enter user
operations like their balance, trades etc. Traditionally, users give
their trade orders via chat or phone. The aim of online platform is
enable customers to trade via this platform. These are the parts we plan
to develop and I am still searching for the architecture and the model I
will use.

    * Back Office
          o This is the accounting part of the project and will be used
            internally. It will be a traditional database application.
            Defning users, entering their balance, trades, informations
            etc. will be done using this application. We are planning to
            develop this part using java and hibernate.
    * Price Server
          o This is the part where I need comet. Server should send the
            price data to registered clients as price changes.
            Lightstreamer ( and iPushServer
            ( are examples
            for this. We have many things to learn about this. We may
            use one of these but we want to develop our price server.
    * Application Server
          o This server is responsible for processing client requests
            (trade orders sent by online platforms). This server must
            serve at least 2500 clients simultaneously. We are planning
            to develop this based on ARP. Actually I want to combine
            price and application servers if I can.
    * Online Platform (Web Client, Desktop Client)
          o Both web and desktop clients have the same mission. They are
            aimed to enable users giving trade orders. Client will
            register to price server and aplication server, receive
            price data from price server and display it and finally send
            user orders to application server and display results of
            order. We were planning to use JSP and Tomcat. But as I
            understand comet support in Tomcat is still waiting.

Here is our design in mind but we can change it.
Desing Of Project

We just started planning the project. There are still many questions in
our minds. Architecture, web server, ... We have decided to use Java as
programming language. As stability and performance criterias are very
important, I mean the system must operate fast and it must be reliable.
We don't want a complex system. If we can use a web server for both
desktop and web clients and in the future for some other clients we will
do it. If we can combine application server and price server we will do
it. We are just not sure if we can use grizzly to do these tasks. This
is my real question.

Which protocol your Desktop client will use? Http?
    Not sure yet. We have Http in mind to use web server for both
desktop and web clients.
What kind of Web Application?
    We are planning a Ajax enabled web app. Two main tasks, display
prices from server and senf user trade orders to server.
