Re: [gfwiki] Re: Java EE SDK promo in GF Wiki front page?

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2006 09:06:09 -0800

Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> I think what you are describing can easily be covered via "news" (cf.
> Ads). We are already doing news via injection from TheAquarium.
There is a key but subtle difference. Ads carry meaningful graphics with
a key message. Can the news/announcement injection carry such a
Can community participants, mainly developer oriented and corporate
event managers readily place such ads ?
> A key difference between News and Ads is that news are fresh, keep
> changing and are updated, and are very neutral.
Yes. Agreed
> Ads are targeted, stay for a while, and are usually, tied to some
> level of $$s, contributions, whatever.
Partially agree (agreed on the length part). In our case, these do not
have to necessarily be tied to $$s. For instance, an Ad for GlassFish
plugin working on Netbeans attracts attention to as aspect of our
product that does not get attention but does not have any $$s being
spent on it other than graphic creation costs.
> Our RSS/Atom injection plugins allow us to easily automate all these
> processes. For example, it would be quite OK to have a comment bar
> (on the RHS) of the front page that shows the last 3 new items that
> have been tagged as "announcements" in TheAquarium.
That would be wonderful with the only issue being that all of community
members will have to know that to place Ads they have to go through TA
for this purpose instead of just being able to do it through Wiki. Not a
significant deal for me.

As long as we can get the graphics in through feeds, this gets more
interesting as an equivalent, otherwise its simply a boring text that is
easily ignored. TA route may make it harder for placing ads. I am on the
fence on this.
> We also already have Wiki pages for partners and I've been meaning to
> do others for consultants, etc. All of these are open to the
> community to announce their availability.
The pages are well meaning and I dont doubt the value of those but they
are somewhere in there not in the face like an Ad on front page. That's
my view anyways.

In sum, if all this means we have to pull the iPod graphic, let me know
I will do so. :)
Decisions on Ads can always come later.

> - eduard/o
> Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
>> Some more view points and responses. Bear with me here. I am at the
>> same time reconciling your points with my own opinions. I do hope we
>> will have something good coming out of this.
>> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>>> One way that could work is to have one spotlight and have it
>>> rotating through anybody that qualifies.
>> I like this idea.
>>> But that begs the question of who qualifies.
>> We could be the first to do this. Nothing wrong with that :)
>>> Go check...
>>> -
>>> -
>>> -
>>> -
>>> -
>>> -
>>> none of them have ads. The only ads are about things _directly_
>>> related to the community: conferences, t-shirts, DVDs/CDs of
>>> binaries built by the community.
>> Okay there is the interesting thing therein. Could we restrict the
>> ads to be only for events, tech talks, web casts, conferences, and
>> DVD/CD distributions of/related to GF? Will this play well into the
>> comprehension of risk? I think we should move in this direction
>> (obviously at the cost of removing the iPod Nano blurb)
>> I would like to make an observation if you do not mind. Personally
>> (and I am fine with any counter view points), I feel if we allow say
>> IntelliJ or JDeveloper to promote their IDEs for example, as long as
>> they have a GF plugin and the ad message is around it, I think their
>> developer community gets a chance to adopt GF although they might
>> never move to NB. At least in the case of Idea one can be sure there
>> will be limited migration to NB and that is one huge developer
>> community.
>> Also, allowing say JEUS, to promote should be considered on the same
>> lines as what we are already sort of encouraging, by way of providing
>> them some visibility in one of the wiki pages, although in return
>> TMaxSoft site does not mention anything close to GF. I am trying to
>> reconcile in my mind as to why this would be any different.
>>> Now, CAN have ads, and I intend to do that
>>> this week. That is because TA _is_ a SUN sponsored site. It is
>>> intended to provide fair coverage of all news in the community but
>>> the editors are Sun employees and we are very up-front about that.
>> That should in fact be done and I think would be a good move. I think
>> we could work out a limited set of things that could be advertised in
>> the wiki page and probably the GF website as well.
>> Importantly, this will give the community a voice in placing things
>> of interest to the community. After all this is simply information
>> that is being highlighted within a set of constraints.
>>> - eduard/o
>>> Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
>>>> Indeed, I do fully relate to the opening of a pandora's box type
>>>> situation here. And the associated risks to our products.
>>>> I do think there are possibilities here that we may not want to
>>>> miss given that this is a community wiki.
>>>> I can talk with you about this in the 1x1 tomorrow if you are
>>>> available.
>>>> regards
>>>> Shreedhar
>>>> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>>>>> OK, so...
>>>>> JEUS 5 downloads... do they qualify?
>>>>> JDeveloper downloads... do they qualify?
>>>>> If yes, why?
>>>>> If no, why?
>>>>> You can tell my inclination is to get out of this tricky area... I
>>>>> don't want to legislate.
>>>>> - eduard/o
>>>>> Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
>>>>>> Eduardo
>>>>>> I see your point. And yes I added the promo image and link there.
>>>>>> I think this is a good way to attract attention to interesting
>>>>>> happenings even if it involves non-Sun parties.
>>>>>> Here are some draft ground rules as you required :
>>>>>> 1. The ads shall apply to only GlassFish community related
>>>>>> projects, events and promotions.
>>>>>> 2. Promotions should help the adoption and expansion of the
>>>>>> GlassFish community
>>>>>> 3. Ads cannot be for promotion of a specific company's or
>>>>>> individual's commercial offerings related/unrelated to GlassFish.
>>>>>> 4. Ads cannot exceed size limits as determined by the wiki
>>>>>> management council.
>>>>>> 5. Content inside Ads should not be abusive, discriminatory, and
>>>>>> should not violate the laws of United States of America.
>>>>>> Hope this is a good starting point.
>>>>>> regards
>>>>>> Shreedhar
>>>>>> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>>>>>>> The front page of GFW.ORG now has a promo for the JavaEE SDK.
>>>>>>> I think we should discuss this. In principle I'm OK with adding
>>>>>>> it, as long as we write down the rules under which we will
>>>>>>> accept these Ads, the rules are company-neutral, and we follow
>>>>>>> them in the future.
>>>>>>> Another alternative is to not accept things like this.
>>>>>>> If I read the change log correctly, this was introduced by
>>>>>>> Shreedhar. Correct? If so, do you want to argue for writing
>>>>>>> down the rules?
>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>> - eduard/o
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