About the trail link that Kedar raised, I've turned this off for our
wikisites, bcz someone in our alias complained, that the trail mesg.
seems to be annoying.
For your question about skins, they're bunch of stylesheets, images, and
javascript files. If you've want to modify them, I've to send you my ssh
key, so that you can have access to the gfwiki site. I'll email you the
location of the css files as well. You don't have to restart the server
to see your stylesheet/image changes. They'll take effect right away.
Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> Hi Senthil.
> I don't remember seing a reply to this.
> How do skins get modified? Are they just a special page? A file?
> Does the Wiki need to get restarted? Depending on how it can be done,
> I'd be very happy to do these things.
> Thanks,
> - eduard/o
> Trung Duc Tran wrote:
>> this must be done by GlassFish wiki admin (Sentil?)
>> -t
>> Kedar Mhaswade wrote on 08/31/2006 05:19 PM:
>>> Hi Trung,
>>> Can we add that "skin" to GlassFishWiki?
>>> For that matter why don't we modify all the existing skins to have
>>> this setting by default? Is that doable?
>>> Kedar
>>> Trung Duc Tran wrote:
>>>> JSPWiki has that feature, it's called breadcrums. The skin
>>>> (template in
>>>> JSPwiki speak) must include the breadcrums tag. The one used by
>>>> glassfishwiki doesn't
>>>> -t
>>>> Kedar Mhaswade wrote on 08/29/2006 05:33 PM:
>>>>> Do you know how to do the navigation of pages as part of any
>>>>> page? Something like a trail. This is available @ wiki.java.net.
>>>>> Is there a setting I need to do somewhere?
>>>>> See the attached image for an example.
>>>>> This is *very* useful because without that support, I will always
>>>>> have to start from scratch every time I add a new topic/edit an
>>>>> existing topic.
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Kedar
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