Re: Page Navigation at GlassFishWiki.Org?

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 08:35:37 -0700

Hi Senthil.

I don't remember seing a reply to this.

How do skins get modified? Are they just a special page? A file? Does
the Wiki need to get restarted? Depending on how it can be done, I'd be
very happy to do these things.

        - eduard/o

Trung Duc Tran wrote:
> this must be done by GlassFish wiki admin (Sentil?)
> -t
> Kedar Mhaswade wrote on 08/31/2006 05:19 PM:
>> Hi Trung,
>> Can we add that "skin" to GlassFishWiki?
>> For that matter why don't we modify all the existing skins to have
>> this setting by default? Is that doable?
>> Kedar
>> Trung Duc Tran wrote:
>>> JSPWiki has that feature, it's called breadcrums. The skin (template in
>>> JSPwiki speak) must include the breadcrums tag. The one used by
>>> glassfishwiki doesn't
>>> -t
>>> Kedar Mhaswade wrote on 08/29/2006 05:33 PM:
>>>> Do you know how to do the navigation of pages as part of any
>>>> page? Something like a trail. This is available @
>>>> Is there a setting I need to do somewhere?
>>>> See the attached image for an example.
>>>> This is *very* useful because without that support, I will always
>>>> have to start from scratch every time I add a new topic/edit an
>>>> existing topic.
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Kedar
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------