I prefer to have separate wikis for each locale for e.g.
www.glassfishwiki.org/jp for Japanese, /pt_br for brazil like that. If
we want to have all wikis under the same context root then let me know.
Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> I believe the thought was that we would have separate Wikis for each
> localization. That is the main thing we want to learn from this
> experiement: what approach to follow...
> - eduard/o
> Yutaka Yoshida wrote:
>> I guess what we want to test is actually putting these texts
>> into the wiki to see if they appear correctly, right?
>> Then there might be the same kind of problem
>> as we have in the java.net - the top charset is set to
>> utf-8 but if we encode the the ja text in utf-8, they corrupt.
>> I need to create another page in gfwiki or the directory itself
>> (like gfwiki_jp) to contain all ja pages. How can I do that?
>> yuta
>>> The following is the translated text in Chinese. I am sending it in
>>> this email since I am not sure where to put it. I'd be happy to
>>> double check the end result once this is published somewhere.