
JSF 2.0 composite:attribute default value vs. EL expression

From: <noreply_at_java.net>
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 08:43:44 -0700

 I have a simple composit component with an attribute named '/required/':

<composite:attribute name="required" required="false" default="false"/>
The problem is when I try to use this component with a '/required/' attribute
value having EL expression in it, the expression is neglected and the default
value is used instead. Example:

<foo:bar required="#{true}"/>
If I remove the default value from the attribute definition it works as
expected. If I don't use EL in the value it works as expected. Example:

<foo:bar required="true"/>
I access the value of the attribute in the component implementation like

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?


*JSF* version: 2.0.3 and 2.0.4-b5

*EL* api/impl version: 2.2

*Tomcat* version: 6.0.29

*web.xml* context param:



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