
Why an <f:attribute/> with EL disappears in the Composite Component?

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 06:57:58 PDT

Dear Community

I'm using JSF 2.0 with Glassfisch 3.1.

When I use <f:attribute/> in the following way in a JSF page that uses a Composite Component Library (CCL)

<less:formItem type="date" label="Datum" required="true">
     <f:attribute name="styleClass" value="#{lf:test()}"/>

the specified attribute "styleClass" is not in the attribute map of the CCL.

lf:test() is a static method that returns "blue". For test reasons I moved <f:attribute name="styleClass" value="#{lf:test()}"/> into the CCL and it worked perfect.

If I pass the attribute as string then it will be in the cc.attrs.
If only this way works the question is, if there is any possibility to call the EL-Resolver dynamically in the CCL with the string to be resolved?

For your support many thanks in advance ... Raffaele
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