
ResourceHandler[Wrapper] in JSF 2.0

From: Giampaolo Tomassoni <Giampaolo_at_Tomassoni.biz>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 17:53:30 +0200


I have a (hopefully basic) question about implementing and instantiating a
ResourceHandlerWrapper in JSF 2.0.

How can I wrap in a ResourceHandlerWrapper any "underlying" ResourceHandler?

I'm working on a library which would need to override some of the behavior
defined by the ResourceHandler, but I would like to be kind with the
specific JSF 2.0 flavor my library may be going to run on.

In example, I would like to avoid to make a direct reference to the
com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceHandlerImpl in my
ResourceHandlerWrapper implementation. Also, if a third-party library is
actually wrapping any "official" ResourceHandler implementation, I would
like to avoid breaking things by letting my library directly wrap the
official handler, and instead wrap the third-party one.

Is there any way to do this?

I attempted looking for a reply to this at the JSF 2.0 specifications as
well as to the JSF-ri documents and sources, but I was unable to find any.

Thank you in advance,
