
Re: [webtier] com.sun.rave.web.ui in XHTML the namespace can not be found

From: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 06:43:40 -0400

On 7/7/10 6:01 , webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> Thanks for your reply!
> I did another investigation, hoping that adding a [i]taglib.xml[/i] to [i]META-INF[/i] folder would help. The namespace was recognized. But then I ran into another problem with the classes:
> ...
> Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.StaticText.<init>

I'm very glad to hear of your migration plans, and thanks for sharing them here.

Before we go further, I'd like to rule out one very obvious problem with your
approach, and offer a solution if the problem actually exists.

It seems like you migrating your pages from JSPX to Facelets. If this is correct,
then you need to create a facelets version of the com.sun.rave.web.ui taglib.
Don't panic! This is not that hard to do.

Take a look at


To get an idea of what to do.

If this is, in fact, one part of your migration problem, then it makes a good
opportunity for a blog post. I'll try to make some time to make such a post.

Thanks for bringing this to light.
