
com.sun.rave.web.ui in XHTML the namespace can not be found

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 14:12:33 PDT


I need to migrate an old JSF application, which was once written with Sun Studio Creator, to JSF 2.0. We want to use PrimeFaces in combination with RichFaces. I already tested it, and it works.

I could simply replace all old components with new JSF 2.0 components from PrimeFaces or RichFaces. But due to our schedule we would like to do a soft migration, meaning replacing the components step by step while old and new happily life side by side in the application.

I'm having problems with the use of the old com.sun.rave.web.ui components in XHTML. The XML namespace can not be found: xmls:webui="http://www.sun.com/web/ui". What can I do, that this namespace can be found? Can I configure the embedded faces-config.xml or the taglib inside the component jar file of com.sun.rave.web? If so, what should be changed? (I already played with the taglib and faces-config, but it had no influence.)

Continue using JSP is not an option, despite the fact that PrimeFaces 2.0 doesn't work with JSP (at least not for me).

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
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