
ActionEvent triggered from CommandButton not updating GUI

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 17:13:03 PDT


I’ve a commandbutton an actionListener as show, and had hoped that pressing this button would display updated values for the outputText component

 <h:commandButton actionListener="#{dashBoardBean.displayLastWeek}" value="Last Week" styleClass="logbt" />
<h:outputText value="#{dashBoardBean.chartType}" />

Associated methods from DashBoardBean

import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
 private String chartType = "thisWeek";
     * @return the chartType
    public String getChartType() {
        return chartType;
     * @param chartType the chartType to set
    public void setChartType(String chartType) {
        this.chartType = chartType;
    public void displayLastWeek(ActionEvent ae) {
        chartType = "lastWeek";

However the output is not being updates and pressing the button has no effect..... Hopefully someone can point out what I am doing wrong

[Message sent by forum member 'patnevin']
