
Re: best-practice identical pages and managed beans

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 03:46:29 PDT

Regarding the business logic, if you think almost everything is same, then have a pojo which handles all the business logic and use the pojo in the Beans. So that, the beans will contain only the presentation data. And also, you can make another layer like BO layer to accomodate such business logic pojo classes to talk to the Model. It's easy for future enhancements and maintanance as well.

For usage in the screens, you can configure an application level managed bean and other beans as the attributes of this bean. To inject these with out loosing the state, you can configure them in faces-config.xml. I think you might be knowing how to do this.
[Message sent by forum member 'srikaranam']
