
best-practice identical pages and managed beans

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 04:27:08 PDT


I have a best-practice-question for following requirement:

Imagine, your JSF application has to be devided in 3 main tabs. The business logic of the 3 pages is almost the same, the GUI Layout differs a bit, each tab "has its own state", which must not be lost when changing the tabs.

The GUI consists of 3 three tabs, each displaying soccer results:
Premiere League, Serie A, Primera Division
The page showResults.xhtml is responsible for displaying the results.
The ManagedBean SoccerBean holds the data of the soccer results.

Problem: I want to avoid redundancies. But:

I have to [b]duplicate[/b] showResults.xhtml
because each page must reference its own ManagedBean instance to preserve its own state:

showResultsPremiereLeague.xhtml --> uses #{soccerBeanPremiereLeague} of type PrimierLeagueSoccerBean
showResultsSerieA.xhtml --> uses #{soccerBeanSerieA} of type SeriaASoccerBean
showResultsPrimeraDivision.xhtml --> uses #{soccerBeanPrimeraDivision} of type PrimeraDivisionSoccerBean

OK, regarding the managed bean, you can create a PrimeraDivisionSoccerBean SeriaASoccerBean PrimierLeagueSoccerBean to have soccer league specific business logic.

But the problem is, that I have many redundancies when I want to access the managed bean via EL (for example in xhtml pages, converters, other managed beans).

What is best practice for this case?

Implementing a custom EL resolver, which can resolve #{soccerBean} to the wanted bean (in this case the el resolver needs to know the current active tab) so that in the PremierLeague #{soccerBean} can resolve to #{soccerBeanPremiereLeague} ?
[Message sent by forum member 'donkon']
