
JSF 2 Custom Component el on attribute

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 07:36:16 PDT

I'v created a custom component which has an attribute called displayname.
On my facelet when setting displayname with an el expression ( that takes a value from a resource bundle), displayname is not set.
When I just set displayname with a normal string it gets set.

Why can't I use el in this fashion?
If I use a binding should the type of display name be ValueBinding or something?

In my xhtml page I use my component like this :

<vplf:menuGroup displayname="#{msg['menu.examples']}"> // doesn't set display name

<vplf:menuGroup displayname="menu.examples"> // sets display name with string menu.examples

Code snippets :
Custom component :
public class MenuGroup extends UIComponentBase {

    protected String href;
    protected String displayname;
    protected String cssClass;
    protected String policy;

    public String getDisplayname() {
        return displayname;

    public void setDisplayname(String displayname) {
        this.displayname = displayname;
    public abstract String getRendererType();

Faces config :
[Message sent by forum member 'stephendw']
