
Re: [webtier] Perfect Example of Strategic Plan

From: Ed Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 07:04:36 -0800

>>>>> On Tue, 09 Mar 2010 21:22:58 -0800 (PST), webtier_at_javadesktop.org said:

V> I appreciate your detail response.

And I yours.


EB> Become an observer on JSR-314-OPEN. You'll see the
EB> discussions.
EB> http://weblogs.java.net/blog/edburns/archive/2009/03/response_to_a_c.html

V> I did. Thank you for suggestion.

EB> This is from MARCH 2009! How can you say NEVER?

V> A little more advertisement would be helpful.

Exactly. I wish we had the resources to do this properly, but as it
stands now, every minute I spend on community building and marketing is
time I can't spend developing the spec and fixing bugs in the
implementation. So far, I've made the trade off to do the minimal
marketing I can to keep things alive while my high value time is spent
on the core technology.

The engineers working on JSF have been requesting to management for
years to fix this problem, but we all live in a market economy. I agree
with and support the investment choices that have been made so far.

You can see that we're even facing cuts in the team as evidenced by the
recent layoffs from the Oracle acquistition of Sun.

The best answer to this is to keep doing what we're doing now: building
and encouraging community. Vlad, for your part, I'd appreciate you
voicing your opinions regarding "more marketing/awereness for existing
community efforts" on the aquarium blog.



| edward.burns_at_oracle.com  | office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640
| homepage:                | http://ridingthecrest.com/