
Re: [webtier] Re: Grim or Bright future to JSF

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 13:42:20 PDT

ED>Actually, that sort of thing is *precisely* what we designed the JSF2
ED>View Declaration Language API to do.

I have impression that such thing as implementing of VDL is hard to implement for average developer.
It would be useful to have support for JavaFX as VDL in standard JSF implementation.
Also it would be very impressive to see if the same VDL can be used to generate both desktop and web UI.

ED>The EG reasoning here is: if you can't write everything you need as a
ED>composite component using markup+JavaScript only, depending only on the
ED>HTML_BASIC component set as your base level of JSF UI component, then
ED>composite components need some improvement.

ED>Do you have information to suggest where we need to improve it that I
ED>don't already know about?

In this case problem is with base level.
Until we are using HTML_BASIC component set easy integration with Javascript libraries will be problematic.
It would be great to have basic set of client-side components as alternative to HTML RenderKit.

[Message sent by forum member 'vladperl']
