On 2/22/10 6:53 AM, webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a simple web project I have created for myself and that works fine.
I started looking at the<h:outputStylesheet> tag but when I run the
application I receive the following:
> com.sun.facelets.tag.TagException: /main.xhtml @8,57<h:outputStylesheet>
> Same goes for<h:head>,<h:body> which have
> been available since jsf 1.x.
Thanks for taking the time to write up a mail. I appreciate it.
First, those tags *are* new in JSF2. Second, you have to make
sure to declare the h: namespace on every page that
uses it, regardless of if the page is a template, or template
client. Like this:
<html xmlns="