
Re: [webtier] JSF 2.0 - Specification

From: Imre Osswald <ioss_at_mx.jevelopers.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 19:51:32 +0100


I think Harry wants to know where to put ".faces-config.xml" so they
get loaded by faces, without specifying them in web.xml.
i tried with NB 6.8: created a folder in "Source Packages" called
"META-INF", added a File "navigation.faces-config.xml" and it worked.

But I see that you wrote
> When I add javax.faces.CONFIG-FILES context parameter with
> /META-INF/navigation.faces.config.xml every thing is ok.

this might be a typo in the mail only, but if you really named the
file navigation.faces.config.xml instead of faces-config ( '.' instead
of '-') it will not work automatically, which would explain why you
had to add it to web.xml to make it work.

Hope this helps, Imre

On 15.01.2010, at 19:17, Jim Driscoll wrote:

> Hi -
> I'm not sure I understood your question.
> It sounds like you have a working program, right? With a separate
> nav file? So... what's the problem you are encountering?
> Jim
> P.S. Out of curiosity, why not just use implicit navigation?
> On 1/14/10 11:29 PM, webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
>> Hey there!!
>> I'm new on the board and also new on JSF 2.0.
>> I'm using Netbeans 6.8 and try to write a little webapplication
>> using
>> EJBs and JSF 2.0.
>> I'd like to separate Navigation-rules from the faces-config.xml.
>> so I write a:
>> faces-config.xml containing application-Section placed in /WEB-INF
>> and
>> a navigation.faces-config.xml placed in /META-INF.
>> As described in: Proposed Final Draft from JavaServer™ Faces
>> Specification in section 11.4.2.
>> ...
>> * Search for all resources that match either
>> “META-INF/faces-config.xml” or the end with “.faces-config.xml”
>> directly in the “META-INF” directory. Each resource that matches
>> that
>> expression must be considered an application configuration resource.
>> ...
>> this should work or I wrong?
>> When I add javax.faces.CONFIG-FILES context parameter with
>> /META-INF/navigation.faces.config.xml every thing is ok.
>> Did I misunderstood something?
>> Thanks
>> Harry
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