
Re: [webtier] JSP Compilation error (Mixing Generics and Autoboxing) - Glassfish 2.1

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 18:24:26 -0800

Hi Dies,

On 12/08/09 17:58, Dies Koper wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> The fields in issues in the IT have links to descriptions.
> Those descriptions are different from the link you just provided.
> For example, the instructions for the "Priority" field are:
> Priority
> Assign a level of importance in this field to help determine the
> priority. This field is used by the programmers/engineers to
> prioritize their work.
> * P1 - Most important
> [...]
> I assume Rahul is a programmer/engineer and this issue is most
> important to his work :)
> Furthermore, the 'Vote for this issue' field has the following
> instruction:
> Indicate the number of votes you want to log for this issue.
> It also implicitly mentions "You may vote for the same bug more than
> once", which Rahul did.
> It says you'll have to bring it up with the Project Owner if you don't
> want people to be allowed to cast multiple votes, it looks like it's
> customizable.

Do you know how many votes one gets? Do votes have to be earned?
Could Rahul have cast an arbitrary number of votes for this issue?

> Anyway, what I wanted to bring up is that it would be better to either
> have the 'Priority' field's description link to the Wiki page you
> provided, or have the Wiki page copied into the current description,
> so that the rules are clear and consistent.

Thanks, Dies, I could not agree more. I did not mean to "blast" at
Rahul, and if
I did, then I'd like to sincerely apologize to him.

The current explanation for "Priority" in IT is completely useless: What
does "most important" mean? It's completely subjective, and I don't blame
Rahul for picking it.

But for those familiar with the Priorities as defined in the Wiki page
I referenced, a P1 is synonymous with "release stopper", and getting a
P1 two
days before the scheduled release date of v3 is sure to raise
everybody's heart rate
and blood pressure.

I'll file a bug against CollabNet to have them align their Priority
////with those from the GlassFish Wiki.

> Every now and then I see a GF developer blast at a user regarding the
> Priority setting, and I think it is totally unfair.

My apologies for that.


> Regards,
> Dies
> Jan Luehe wrote:
>> In the future, please file a P1 only when it's justified. It was
>> certainly not justified in this case. I've added a link to the bug
>> filing guidelines for GlassFish to the bug report, and I repeat it
>> here for your and everybody else's convenience:
>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=PrioSeverDef
>> In addition, casting 5 of your own votes for this non-issue seems
>> like a waste.
>> Jan
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