
Re: possible f:ajax bug with render="_at_form" ui:debug and CDATA

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 15:31:23 PDT

Since it seems I've been able to post this
Here's a javascript error I get
<!--(it's a translation from russian)

malformedXML: XML syntax analysis error: noncorresponding tag. Waiting for: </update>.
Адрес: http://localhost:13000/faces/SavedQueriesEdit.xhtml
line 9, col 3:

in the curresponding ajax post (viewed via FireBug) I see
javax.faces.behavior.event action
javax.faces.partial.ajax true
javax.faces.partial.event click
javax.faces.partial.execute form:j_idt57 form:queryList
javax.faces.partial.render form
javax.faces.source form:j_idt57


There is some problem with this forum previously I ran into:

type: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid capacity: 0
        at com.jivesoftware.util.LongTree.(LongTree.java:67)
        at com.jivesoftware.forum.database.DbTreeWalker.(DbTreeWalker.java:74)
        at com.jivesoftware.forum.database.DbForumThread.getTreeWalker(DbForumThread.java:802)
[Message sent by forum member 'nzinoviev' (nikita.zinoviev_at_sun.com)]
