
Re: [webtier] jsf facelets comment tag

From: Jason Lee <jasondlee_at_sun.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 12:47:09 -0500

If you don't want the contents sent to the browser, use <ui:remove/>.

On Oct 20, 2009, at 12:44 PM, webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:

> I seem to be having a hard time finding the equivalent of the <%-- --
> %> tag in jsf facelets. Does anyone know if there is one? I don't
> think there was one back in the day of the original facelets.
> Sometimes it's useful to comment code like
> <%-- this is a hack to work around a browser rendering glitch --%>
> ...
> or just to label sections of the page like
> <%-- header --%>
> <%-- menu --%>
> but you have no desire for that comment to be rendered back to the
> browsers for both bandwidth or just no need to make the client aware
> of issues etc. so the html comment would be undesireable.
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         Jason Lee
Senior Java Developer
GlassFish Administration Console

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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