
jsf facelets comment tag

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 10:44:12 PDT

I seem to be having a hard time finding the equivalent of the <%-- --%> tag in jsf facelets. Does anyone know if there is one? I don't think there was one back in the day of the original facelets.

Sometimes it's useful to comment code like

<%-- this is a hack to work around a browser rendering glitch --%>

or just to label sections of the page like

<%-- header --%>
<%-- menu --%>

but you have no desire for that comment to be rendered back to the browsers for both bandwidth or just no need to make the client aware of issues etc. so the html comment would be undesireable.
[Message sent by forum member 'tedman' (tedman_at_sfu.ca)]
