
JSF 2.0: Default Events for Various Components?

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2009 05:28:57 PDT

Is there a place in the spec or the online API that says what the default JavaScript event is for various components (i.e., what event name will be used if you use f:ajax with[b]out[/b] event="blah")?

I was able to get the answer by a kludgy hack of instantiating a bunch of ClientBehaviorHolders (HtmlCommandButton, HtmlSelectOneMenu, etc.) and calling getDefaultEventName(). But, I figured that this information must be in the spec or JavaDocs somewhere that I overlooked. Section in the spec mentions a few of them, and makes it sound as if the reader should have known already. So, I strongly suspect that these default events are listed somewhere so one can find out without resorting to my silly hack. Does anyone know where?


- Marty
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