
Re: [webtier] Fwd: JSP request.getRemoteHost() returns IP address instead of host name

From: Justin Lee <Justin.Lee_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 14:24:18 -0400

Actually in v3 it's

Jan Luehe wrote:
> Did you not see my response I sent to dev_at_glassfish yesterday, where
> your original
> request had been posted?
> My reply was as follows:
> <reply>
> Use the following attribute:
> - In GlassFish v2.x:
> http-service.http-protocol.dns-lookup-enabled=true
> - In GlassFish v3:
> network-config.protocols.protocol.http-listener-1.http.enable-dns-lookup=true
> </reply>
> Jan
> On 09/23/09 22:32, Andy Knight wrote:
>> Forwarding to additional aliases.
>> <http://www.sun.com> Andy Knight
>> Principal Engineer,
>> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
>> Java House, Guillemont Park, Minley Road,
>> Camberley, Surrey GU17 9QG United Kingdom
>> Home office: +44 1494 462438
>> Mobile: +44 7775 583415
>> Skype: aprknight
>> Email: Andy.Knight_at_Sun.COM <mailto:Andy.Knight_at_Sun.COM>
>> Blog: http://blogs.sun.com/andky
>> <http://www.sun.com>
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> *From: *Andy Knight <andy.knight_at_sun.com <mailto:andy.knight_at_sun.com>>
>>> *Date: *23 September 2009 15:39:53 GMT+01:00
>>> *To: *dev_at_glassfish.dev.java.net <mailto:dev_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>
>>> *Bcc: *Andrew Hopkinson <Andrew.Hopkinson_at_Sun.COM
>>> <mailto:Andrew.Hopkinson_at_Sun.COM>>
>>> *Subject: **JSP request.getRemoteHost() returns IP address instead
>>> of host name*
>>> My research indicates that Tomcat, by default, has a configuration
>>> parameter called *enableLookups*. By default this is *false*. Under
>>> such circumstances an invocation of request.getRemoteHost() (when
>>> the host is the localhost) returns (or 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0
>>> if you're running Mac OS X).
>>> If I change *enableLookups *to *true,* request.getRemoteHost()
>>> returns the string *localhost* as expected.
>>> When I deploy my web application to GlassFish and cause the same JSP
>>> code to run, I get the IP address as I would by default in Tomcat.
>>> How do I configure GlassFish to enable lookups in the way that
>>> Tomcat behaves?
>>> <http://www.sun.com/> Andy Knight
>>> Principal Engineer,
>>> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
>>> Java House, Guillemont Park, Minley Road,
>>> Camberley, Surrey GU17 9QG United Kingdom
>>> Home office: +44 1494 462438
>>> Mobile: +44 7775 583415
>>> Skype: aprknight
>>> Email: Andy.Knight_at_Sun.COM <mailto:Andy.Knight_at_Sun.COM>
>>> Blog: http://blogs.sun.com/andky
>>> <http://www.sun.com/>