
Re: [webtier] JSF2: using JavaScript to update a component

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 15:52:12 PDT

> My apologies, I was using SeaMonkey.

I hate it when that happen. I've (once or twice) made a similar mistake.

I've tested the code functionality in Opera 10, IE 6,7,&8, FF 3.5, Safari 4 and Chrome 4. Essentially, any browser with a decent market share that isn't utterly broken for ajax (which is why IE 5.5 was left out).

No real plans on testing SeaMonkey. Or Konqueror. And I've gotta say, I was really disappointed by the Ajax support in Lynx - I had such high hopes :-)

But if for some reason SeaMonkey is important to you, you may want to check which version you're running - the first google hit for "seamonkey javascript" doesn't fill me with confidence on the stability of their js code - though that user had his problems resolved by upgrading to 1.1.7. So I'd start there first. Current version seems to be 1.1.9, with a 2.0 beta on deck.

I have used SeaMonkey in the past for some things like testing comet, but I'd be pretty surprised if it had any serious usage in the wild... And given that I'm already forking the code path in three directions to do script eval, if they can't manage one of them, I'm not inclined to go out of my way for this browser, though I'm always willing to accept patches.
[Message sent by forum member 'driscoll' (jim.driscoll_at_sun.com)]
