
Re: [webtier] JSF 1.2?

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 15:18:06 -0700

On 8/5/09 3:02 PM, Jeffrey Blattman wrote:
> yeah i saw that. we build one WAR for all platforms, so rebuilding
> icefaces for JSF 2.0 isn't an option. even if it was, the support
> implications probably wouldn't be acceptable.

At some point, it looks like you're going to need to have two wars if
you continue working with ICEFaces - one for 1.2, and one for 2.0 -
since ICEFaces seems to be splitting their support for 1.2 (in 1.7) and
2.0 (in 1.8).

If you work solely with GlassFish, then Ryan's earlier suggestion will
help (bundling 1.2) provided you address the JAXP issue, but that won't
necessarily help you on other Application Servers - and that will
probably make your problem harder than just doing two wars. As more of
them go to Java EE 6, your problem will compound. Glassfish is just the
first, you can expect that JBoss and Weblogic will be doing their best
to get up to EE 6 quickly. Websphere has traditionally lagged.

I guess it depends on how many different application servers you're

I'm not really seeing any other good options for you - though we'll try
our best to work with you on this.
