
Re: [webtier] Rendering of javascript on[click|change|*] event handlers

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:35:20 PDT

> I'm still not clear on what really is accomplished by it - it seems more
> of a stylistic requirement than a technical one. Would that be a fair
> statement?

It's obviously not really a technical issue. Event binding on Tags can only lead to javascript errors, if you refer to other elements and the DOM is not ready after all. That could only be the case, if you click *very* fast. No, it rather a psychological issue, which affects the willingness to adopt JSF. If frontend developers / designers are not happy with the resulting html JSF produce and they are not able to "customize" it their way, the chance refusal rises. IMHO one can use JSF for all kind of website types, even pixel, if you have some sticking points in mind. But many people out here think it is rather for backoffice systems due to it's lack customizable html generation.
[Message sent by forum member 'tzwoenn' (tzwoenn)]
