i had some problems mixing older taglibs with the brand new jsf 2.0 taglibs.
I have to say that im new to JSF and starting directly with the 2.0 may wasnt the best idea.
Anyway may somebody can help me out, clearing some confusions.
I had problems mixing the "
http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" with the "
http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" library.
Im using Glassfish 2.1 (newest) and the nightly build from the mojarra 2.0 implementation.
<ui:repeat value="${entetys}" var="entety">
<c:if test="${empty entety.bundle}">
${empty entety.bundle}
returns: true true false.
but should return only: true true (cause of the if-statement)
it works totaly fine , using only the jsp lib:
<c:forEach var="entety" items="${entetys}">
<c:if test="${empty entety.bundle}">
${empty entety.bundle}"
So my question is simple:
- is this normal that u cant mix it like that?
or bug?
or feature?:)
or simple a wrong thought on my side?
Thanks in advance,
Moritz Thielcke
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