
Re: [webtier] f:ajax event attribute won't accept expression

From: Paulo Cesar Reis <casmeiron_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 01:49:57 -0300

Hi Jim, thanks for the answer.

Yes, that would be better but my composite component looks like this:
             <h:inputText id="someId" value="someValue" />


Whether I want to set the validators/convertors for component with id
"someId" I cannot use your example, right? Cause it will try to add them to
the panelGroup and this component isn't an EditableValueHolder so I think
isn't possible. That's why I created something like:
             <h:inputText id="someId" value="someValue">
                <!-- Validators for input BEGIN -->
                <c:if test="#{cc.attrs.validators!=null}">
validatorId='#{validator["validatorId"]}' >
                            <c:forEach items="#{validator}" var="param">
                                    <f:param name="#{param.key}"
value="#{param.value}" />
                        <br />

So with f:param I can do what I want but it doesn't work. Faces could have a
for attribute for components like converters and validators (<f:converter
converterId="someId" for="componentId" />) so I could attach them outside of
the component.

Hope you can help me :-)


On 6/3/09 1:14 AM, "Jim Driscoll" <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM> wrote:

> On 6/2/09 12:42 PM, Paulo Cesar Reis wrote:
>> Hi, thanks for the answer.
>> I cannot use the simple way 'cause I'm creating a complex composite
>> application that automatically add validators for field. See my attached
>> sample.
>> So I really need to use f:param (or something that can do what I need) for
>> validators and also for converters (whether available).
> Looking at your code, what it looks like is that you're passing the
> validators as an attribute to the component. Couldn't you instead add
> the attributes to the component itself? For example:
> in the using page,
> instead of :
> <comp:component validators=#{validatorList}/>
> do:
> <comp:component id="one">
> <f:validateLength for="two" minimum="3" maximum="5"/>
> </comp:component>
> Would that work? I haven't tested this (still at the conference), but
> if it will fulfill your need, I can see what's required to make that
> work (or, if pressed for time, you could try it and see).
> Jim
>> Thanks.
>> On 6/2/09 1:38 PM, "Jim Driscoll"<Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
>>> Sorry I was so terse earlier - I was waiting for the train, and wasn't
>>> sure when I'd get to email again.
>>> But to answer the second part of your question:
>>>> On Jun 2, 2009, at 8:01 AM, Paulo Cesar Reis<casmeiron_at_gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:casmeiron_at_gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Also I¹m wondering whether I can use f:param tag to define properties
>>>>> for validators, like:
>>>>> <f:validator validatorId=²javax.faces.Length²>
>>>>> <f:param name=²minimum² value=²1² />
>>>>> <f:param name=²maximum² value=²3² />
>>>>> </f:validator>
>>>>> Whether not, how can I accomplish the desired behavior?
>>> I'm not really sure what you're trying to do. Shouldn't
>>> <f:validateLength maximum="15" minimum="6"/> work?
>>> But, though I'm not 100% positive, I don't think validate handles
>>> params. But that isn't necessary in your example, is it?
>>> Jim
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