
Handling viewstate incompatibilities

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 16:23:42 PDT

I haven't found much on this topic...

What is the recommended approach for handling viewstate deserialization incompatibilities? For example, in-between when a view w/ a form was rendered and when it was submitted, a new release was pushed. When the viewstate is deserialized, class incompatibilities are found.

One approach is to manage the discrepancies with a deserialized implemention managing the conversion from one class version to another. Plausible, but potentially a huge maintaince overhead, including having accounting for 3rd party classes.

Another approach may be to regenerate the view behind the scenes and layer in the user's input. This is not w/o it's challenges too.

What approaches have you guys taken?


[Message sent by forum member 'cwall' (cwall)]
