
Re: [webtier] f:ajax event attribute won't accept expression

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 07:44:04 -0700

 From the JSF 2 PDL docs for validator:

for - If present, this attribute refers to the value of one of the
exposed attached objects within the composite component inside of which
this tag is nested.

 From your comment, it seems like you didn't realize it was there.


On 6/3/09 7:39 AM, Jim Driscoll wrote:
> On 6/2/09 9:49 PM, Paulo Cesar Reis wrote:
>> Hi Jim, thanks for the answer.
>> Yes, that would be better but my composite component looks like this:
>> <composite:implementation>
>> <h:panelGroup>
>> <h:inputText id="someId" value="someValue" />
>> </h:panelGroup>
>> </composite:implementation>
> If you have a using page of
> <comp:component id="one">
> <f:validateLength for="two" minimum="3" maximum="5"/>
> </comp:component>
> and a component of:
> <composite:implementation>
> <h:panelGroup>
> <h:inputText id="two" value="someValue" />
> </h:panelGroup>
> </composite:implementation>
> Then it should work, and not attach to the panelgroup, but the
> inputText. I think. I'm not sure, and I don't know if I'll have time to
> test it today - I'd have already written the sample code if I was back
> at my desk, but being on the road makes it more difficult.
>> So with f:param I can do what I want but it doesn't work.
> Right, because that use of f:param isn't supported by JSF - f:param is
> defined on an on component basis, and we haven't really had anyone ask
> for this before now.
>> Faces could have a
>> for attribute for components like converters and validators (<f:converter
>> converterId="someId" for="componentId" />) so I could attach them
>> outside of
>> the component.
> I'm not sure what you mean here, since that's exactly what I was getting
> at in my last mail - maybe I wasn't clear.
> If I get a chance, I'll try and code something today, though I might
> take until tomorrow night to get it done, based on availability. Or, as
> I said before, you could always give it a go and let me know if it works
> - I don't think we've tried this before, but I think it should work.
> Jim
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