
Re: [webtier] Updating Glassfish 3 to the latest JSF 2 fails

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2009 09:29:12 -0800

webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> I ran mojarra-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-glassfish-updater.jar on my GFv3 install, and got this cryptic error message:
> Updating glassfish at
> /home/apps/glassfish-v3-prelude-b28c/glassfish
> with new JSF jars.
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Multiple .jar files starting with javax.javaee. Update cannot proceed
> at com.sun.faces.tools.GlassfishUpdater.updateV3Jars(GlassfishUpdater.java:320)
> at com.sun.faces.tools.GlassfishUpdater.main(GlassfishUpdater.java:137)
> Is the updater broken, or am I doing something wrong? Oddly enough, I have no files starting with javax.javaee.
Hmm, the updater should have been removed from the nightly build
process. Will have to
track this down.

At any rate, no need to use the updater with V3 Prelude. If you want to
use a nightly build
of 2.0.0, then:

   1. backup modules/jsf-api.jar and modules/web/jsf-impl.jar
   2. Copy jsf-api.jar from the binary bundle to modules
   3. Copy jsf-impl.jar from the binary bundle to modules/web

> Here are the ones starting with javax:
> $ find -name "javax*jar"./modules/javax.enterprise.deploy.jar
> ./modules/web/javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.jar
> ./modules/javax.mail.jar
> ./modules/javax.xml.stream.jar
> ./modules/javax.security.auth.message.jar
> ./modules/javax.servlet.jar
> ./modules/javax.persistence.jar
> ./modules/javax.transaction.jar
> ./modules/javax.security.jacc.jar
> ./modules/javax.resource.jar
> ./modules/javax.activation.jar
> ./modules/javax.annotation.jar
> ./modules/javax.servlet.jsp.jar
> There is one containing javaee:
> $ find -name "*javaee*jar"
> ./modules/deployment-javaee-core.jar
> Thanks,
> Cay
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