
Re: [webtier] JSF 2.0 Ajax Error

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 16:56:41 -0800

OK, this is annoying.

I created a small demo program which also shows the bug.

I was able to get the bug to reproduce twice. Then... not ever again.
Not on Firefox, nor Safari. Not on Mac, nor Ubuntu.

Without being able to reliably reproduce the bug, it's going to be very,
very difficult to fix this.

If anyone has a configuration that they use that reliably reproduces
this bug, please either add comments to 992, or reply here.

Otherwise, I'll put this to one side, and come back to it later.


On 2/17/09 10:19 AM, Jim Driscoll wrote:
> Filed as bug 992. I'll try to get to it shortly.
> Jim
> On 2/17/09 8:59 AM, Jim Driscoll wrote:
>> Lincoln -
>> Can I ask you to start filing these as bugs? I'm worried I'll miss one
>> if we keep getting these via email.
>> I'll file this one as a bug myself. If nothing else, I think that http 0
>> error isn't the correct error to return - it's a can't reach failure,
>> which sounds wrong.
>> Jim
>> On 2/14/09 10:04 AM, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
>>> Hey Ajax Gurus,
>>> Steps to cause issue:
>>> 1. Attach an ajax event using the <f:ajax> tag to a field so that the
>>> onchange event will trigger.
>>> 2. Focus the cursor in that field, type something, then before leaving
>>> the input box.
>>> 3. Leaving the cursor in the field, click the form submit button.
>>> 4. the client side ajax will pop up with an "httpError 0" message.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> --Lincoln
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