
Re: [webtier] where can i find test classes

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 09:22:17 -0800

Hi Wolfram,

On 01/26/09 22:48, Wolfram Rittmeyer wrote:
> Amy Roh wrote:
>> Wolfram Rittmeyer wrote:
>>> Another question about the web-related modules: Where can I find
>>> test cases and their corresponding classes?
>> Quicklook tests
>> http://fisheye4.atlassian.com/browse/glassfish-svn/trunk/v3/tests/quicklook
>> Web devtests
>> http://fisheye4.atlassian.com/browse/glassfish-svn/trunk/v2/appserv-tests/devtests/web
> Thanks, Amy. I will hava a look at these.
> One thing puzzles me though: The devtests are in the v2-branch. So I
> would have guessed that they are intended to be used in this form only
> for v2-development.

Yes, I agree this is confusing. These tests are intended for v3, and we
had planned to move them to
trunk/v3 for the longest time. This is still pending. So assume that all
tests under
are intended for v3.

> Having looked quickly at the current tests concerning valves they seem
> not to be version-dependent. And there is even a
> v3HttpListenerDynamicConfig-folder. So propably they _are_ also
> intended for v3.

Yes. The tests for GlassFish v2 and v2.1 are located in a different
(cvs) repository.

> But how do I specify which server to use. Are there any command-line
> flags?

You need to set your S1AS_HOME env variable to your GlassFish v3

> And can I specify which tests to run. This would be necessary since v3
> does not yet support everything v2 supported.

There is no easy way to do this right now.
One possibility would be to comment out any tests you don't want to run
in appserv-tests/devtests/web/build.xml.



>> hth,
>> Amy
>>> I have found some links for v3 quicklook tests but these were broken
>>> (the broken links can be found here:
>>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=V3BuildTests). The main
>>> URL http://glassfishbuildtools.sun.com/ simply states "It works". Is
>>> this site being reconstructed?
> Obviously hudson.glassfish.org is used instead of
> glassfishbuildtools.sun.com. I have corrected the wiki page
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=V3BuildTests
> --
> Wolfram Rittmeyer
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