
Re: [webtier] where can i find test classes

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <w.rittmeyer_at_jsptutorial.org>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 07:48:49 +0100

Amy Roh wrote:
> Wolfram Rittmeyer wrote:
>> Another question about the web-related modules: Where can I find test
>> cases and their corresponding classes?
> Quicklook tests
> http://fisheye4.atlassian.com/browse/glassfish-svn/trunk/v3/tests/quicklook
> Web devtests
> http://fisheye4.atlassian.com/browse/glassfish-svn/trunk/v2/appserv-tests/devtests/web

Thanks, Amy. I will hava a look at these.

One thing puzzles me though: The devtests are in the v2-branch. So I
would have guessed that they are intended to be used in this form only
for v2-development.

Having looked quickly at the current tests concerning valves they seem
not to be version-dependent. And there is even a
v3HttpListenerDynamicConfig-folder. So propably they _are_ also intended
for v3. But how do I specify which server to use. Are there any
command-line flags? And can I specify which tests to run. This would be
necessary since v3 does not yet support everything v2 supported.

> hth,
> Amy
>> I have found some links for v3 quicklook tests but these were broken
>> (the broken links can be found here:
>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=V3BuildTests). The main
>> URL http://glassfishbuildtools.sun.com/ simply states "It works". Is
>> this site being reconstructed?

Obviously hudson.glassfish.org is used instead of
glassfishbuildtools.sun.com. I have corrected the wiki page

Wolfram Rittmeyer