
Re: [webtier] configurable valves

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 16:17:44 -0800

Hi Wolfram,

perhaps you could start working on adding support for configurable
valves to sun-web.xml, before you tackle adding support for this to
This way, your 1st GlassFish project would have a more confined scope. :)

Let us know if that would work for you.



On 01/08/09 18:04, Jan Luehe wrote:
> Hi Wolfram,
> On 01/08/09 12:57, Wolfram Rittmeyer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> this has been bugging me for some time now - so I thought I probably
>> should start tackling it.
>> It all started about a year ago when I wanted to implement a custom
>> expires-header-valve. I posted a question on the dev-list stating
>> that I needed Valves to be configurable. I knew how to configure
>> Valves on Tomcat and was wondering how to do that on GlassFish as well.
>> Even though Valve support has since increased - it still lacks the
>> feature of configurability.
>> As recommended by Jean Francois I finally posted two RFEs:
>> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4006
>> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4007
>> In theses RFEs I suggest a possible syntax for an asadmin command
>> (4007) and for the domain.xml (4006) file.
>> So given that these RFEs are still in UNCONFIRMED state I wonder what
>> I can do to implement these features myself - and whether these would
>> be considered useful at all. Maybe I'm the only one interested in
>> them ;-)
>> _If_ implementing them would be welcomed there are some questions to
>> consider:
>> What about the suggested syntax? Who decides about this? What is the
>> general approach about getting consensus on stuff like this?
>> What about Grizzly config? I found one page on the Wiki about the
>> Grizzly config - but didn't find any actual config file in the
>> v3prelude. It looks like it would belong in here. Correct?
>> Finally: It's not like I do have a lot of time at hand. So
>> implementing might last a while.
>> I'm looking forward to any comments.
> I think your enhancement requests are very useful. Thanks for filing
> them, and most of all, thanks for volunteering to providing patches
> for these enhancements!
> As you pointed out, your proposed enhancements will affect several
> functional areas of GlassFish, including the admin/CLI, admingui, and
> the web container.
> Unfortunately, we are approaching feature freeze date for v3, so I'm
> not sure we'll be able to address this for v3. But on the other hand,
> since you've offered to code some of this yourself, there *might* be a
> chance. Of course, I would be available to help with any webcontainer
> integration issues, but we would also need to work with the leads of
> the remaining areas.
> I agree with your proposed format of the <valve> config element. As
> for ordering, I assume your intention is for valves to be added to a
> virtual server / web module in the order in which they have declared?
> As you know, valves may also be declared in sun-web.xml, so we should
> consider adding support for <valve> there, too.
> Jan