RE: [verifier] doubts regarding verifier

From: Deepa Sobhana <>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 23:19:13 +0530



Please see my comments inline.




From: Rajeev Kumar []
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38 AM
Subject: [verifier] doubts regarding verifier


After a detail study of Java EE 6 specs and design documents this weekend i have following doubts regarding current verifier:

1).Since current verifier uses deployment descriptor model and it has dependency on other glassfish modules so it is not extensible.

     My doubts regarding it is :

     a).While verifiying a .jar , .war or .ear file the current verifier parses which files inside these jar files to take its decisions ? Since a java archieve file may contain everything like .class, .xml,.html etc files.

[Deepa] Verifier picks only the required files from the archive for verification. For example, if you verify a .war file, then the verifier checks all .class files, JSPs (to check JSP scriptlet errors) and deployment descriptors.

     b).Since current verifier only verifies binary files . Can it verify a single .class file of a Servlet as a .class file is also a binary file or it only verifies .jar, .war and .ear files ?

     c).When i was playing with current verifier tool i gave a simple text file as in input to the verifier then verifier gives error does it mean that current verifier checks for .jar ,.ear,.war extensions of the input file ?

[Deepa][Qn b & c]Current verifier accepts binary files like JAR,WAR,EAR etc as input. Verifier also accepts folders in the exploded format. Verifier determines the module type (war, ear etc) of the input file using the following logic


Step -1 Checks for the presence of deployment descriptors (standard/runtime)

Step - 2 Checks for file extensions

Step - 3 Checks for annotations or other additional processing


This logic is encapsulated in Archivist, PluggableArchivistsHelper and other related classes.


2).What is the meaning of "Current verifier supports rule firing at only one stage"?

3).What this the one stage where the current verifier fires its rules ?

 [Deepa][Qn 2 & 3] Current verifier fires all the assertions/rules at only one stage ie against the deployment descriptor model. The main problem with this approach is that it is not possible to fire field level rules at this stage.


4). Where is file asm-all-3.1.jar ?

[Deepa] ASM libraries can be downloaded from the ASM object web site -


Now i will start reading the code.

Also our target will be to make an independent verifier which will not have any dependency on GlassFish modules.So can we make a seperate project in eclipse titles nextgen verifier and run it . Is the current code complete for running in a prototyping environment ?

[Deepa] NextGen verifier has only a minimal dependency with GF modules.

Yes, You can run NextGenVerifier in a prototyping environment. Refer the UserGuide provided at for more details.


Rajeev Kumar




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