doubts regarding verifier

From: Rajeev Kumar <>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 09:37:43 +0530 (IST)

After a detail study of Java EE 6 specs and design documents this weekend i have following doubts regarding current verifier:

1).Since current verifier uses deployment descriptor model and it has dependency on other glassfish modules so it is not extensible.
     My doubts regarding it is :
     a).While verifiying a .jar , .war or .ear file the current verifier parses which files inside these jar files to take its decisions ? Since a java archieve file may contain everything like .class, .xml,.html etc files.

     b).Since current verifier only verifies binary files . Can it verify a single .class file of a Servlet as a .class file is also a binary file or it only verifies .jar, .war and .ear files ?
     c).When i was playing with current verifier tool i gave a simple text file as in input to the verifier then verifier gives error does it mean that current verifier checks for .jar ,.ear,.war extensions of the input file ?
2).What is the meaning of "Current verifier supports rule firing at only one stage"?

3).What this the one stage where the current verifier fires its rules ?
4). Where is file asm-all-3.1.jar ?
Now i will start reading the code.
Also our target will be to make an independent verifier which will not have any dependency on GlassFish modules.So can we make a seperate project in eclipse titles nextgen verifier and run it . Is the current code complete for running in a prototyping environment ?

Rajeev Kumar
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