[gf-users] Farewell to Oracle

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 12:51:49 -0500


I am leaving Oracle behind on Friday. I have no doubt whatsoever that
this was one of the top five hardest decisions of my life. I am also at
this stage equally certain that this is the way I personally can best
help continue to advance the Java and Java EE communities. I will be
resuming the community work I have been part of for the better part of a
decade in earnest as soon as possible post-Oracle.

At Oracle folks like my colleagues David Delabassee and Bruno Borges
will continue their roles in the Java EE ecosystem. I certainly wish the
many good folks at Oracle nothing but the best of luck. They have a very
hard job to do and they will continue to need our support, perhaps now
more than ever.

As always anyone is absolutely welcome to reach out to me on just about
anything. Below are all my contact points.


Cell: 717-329-8149
Home Office: 215-736-1208
Google/Skype: m.reza.rahman
Twitter: @reza_rahman