[gf-users] JSF

From: Jim Reilly <>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 17:26:42 +0000 (UTC)

I'm kinda new to jsf/primefaces, but have prior GlassFish jsp/servlet experience.

Per some reading/research, it seems you cannot precompile jsf (xhtml) pages, since JSF is handled differently than JSPs.
1) Is it correct that I cannot pre-compile JSF pages? 

2) Reason for compiling, is not really for faster deploys and page responses, as it is to verify the managed backing beans.Meaning, in a backing bean with a  getUser() method that is  used in a jsf page, and the getUser() returns a UserBean.
So, the backing bean has something like: getUser.getId

But, say I change my UserBean classes method from  getId to getUserId, but on the JSF page it still has getId.
So, now it would need to be changed to something like: getUser.getuserId

I want to know at build time (Ant or gradle) script when creating the war/ear, that my JSF has invalid or uncompileable code in it...
Basically, is there any way to know that the JSF/PrimeFaces/XHTML pages have valid java methods call in them, without running the UI...???