[gf-users] Re: migration from V2 to V3

From: Yannick Majoros <>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 09:52:11 +0000

Hi Masahiro,

You'll probably have less work doing it in V4 anyway.

My approach would be to remove all non-standard stuff (just code for JSF
specs, not implementation-specific), and clean up the mess. Latest mojarra
should then work as well as myfaces.

Is this feasible?

If not, there are specific properties in Glassfish-specific deployment
descriptors (glassfishweb.xml etc.) to load classes from app classloader
first. They can be found in Glassfish. I remember that Netbeans had a nice
interface with a checkbox just for editing that.

Does this help?

Le mar. 25 août 2015 à 03:15, <> a écrit :

> Thank you for your supporting me.
> But I was still unable to solve this matter.
> I just tried to deploy our application on GlassFish V4.
> However, error is the same as GlassFish V3.
> *I believe that main problem is as below.
> Our application uses quite old framework which include
> "myfaces-1.0.9.jar" offered by Apatch.
> Problem is myfaces1.0.9.jar includes packages, java.* and javax.*
> Following Oracle official documents, class files in these packages are
> not loaded by classloader.
> Although we configure about classloader delegation, classloader never
> loads class files from these packages.
> Would you know the way that a classloader in GlassFish V3 can load
> class files from packages including java.* and javax.*.
> Thank you.
> Masahiro Takahashi