[gf-users] deployment problems on 4.1/Windows

From: Pawel Veselov <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 12:26:18 -0700


I'm having strange deployment problems on 4.1, running on Windows only. The
same works perfectly fine on Linux.

I generally follow these commands, all using asadmin:
- create domain
- start admin server
- create instance server
- configure things (like JDBC)
- deploy libs/ear files
- start instance server

At this moment, everything is fine. However, if I follow this with 'stop
instance server', and 'deploy ear files', then the deployment stalls, and
fails with timeout from domain server. Any additional attempts to deploy
ears afterwards fails. Tracing asadmin shows that the DAS responds with 500.

Is there any debugging that I can turn on on DAS, to see what may be
causing this? There is absolutely no output in the DAS logs when this
happens. Restarting DAS doesn't changing anything either.

RemoteRestAdminCommand.executeCommand() - name: deploy
Saw a file parameter
removing --upload option
doUpload set to false
FILE PARAM: DEFAULT = C:\cygwin\home\pawel\5.1\out\artifacts\my.ear
URI: /command/deploy
URL: http://localhost:7001/command/deploy
Method: POST
Password options: null
Using auth info: User: glassfish, Password: <non-null>
CommandModel ETag: vzKk4Gbhs7vnKex83EhEow==
Writer to use
Response code: 302
Following redirection to https://localhost:7001/command/deploy
URI: /command/deploy
URL: https://localhost:7001/command/deploy
Method: POST
Password options: null
Using auth info: User: glassfish, Password: <non-null>
CommandModel ETag: vzKk4Gbhs7vnKex83EhEow==
Writer to use
Response code: 500
Result type is application/json;charset=UTF-8
URL connection is
------ ACTION REPORT ------
 actionDescription: deploy AdminCommand
    MESSAGE - 0.M0
     : Error occurred during deployment: null. Please see server.log for
more details.
>name = mispot