[gf-users] Re: Glassfish and JMX : destroy a consumer

From: Amy Kang <>
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 16:20:30 -0800

You can file an enhancement request for GlassFish MQ JMX API at If applicable, you can use 'imqcmd
destroy dur' (imqcmd can be run remotely) to destroy a durable


On 10/10/2014 02:46 AM, Etienne Marin-Matholaz wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm monitoring a glassfish server using JMX.
> For some reason I need to use durable subscriptions, and it appears
> that these subscriptions are persistent even when glassfish is restarted.
> To reset the system I want to use JMX to destroy all existing
> consumers at startup. In the documentation of glassfish for JMX
> clients (,
> there is no way to do this, and I'm really astonished : destinations,
> connections can be destroyed but not consumers !
> Maybe I don't get the philosophy of glassfish and JMX, that's why I
> need your help.
> Cheers
> Etienne