[gf-users] Re: Glassfish 4 remote ejb very slow

From: Steven Siebert <>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 07:50:48 -0400

We're gonna need some more information about this...
 - what kind of load are handling when you have this slowdown...or is it
 - what are your ejb pool settings?
 - what does your EJB do (what resources does it access, etc)?
 - anything in your log?
 - is this app on the same physical machine, using the same hardware, or
did you also change the host?
 - any other external changes?

The easiest way to get an answer to your question, and give you a leg up in
submitting a bug if there is one, is if you can reduce the problem within a
small test application? If so, can you share that test application so we
can test and check it out ourselves?


On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Brent Vaughn <> wrote:

> We upgraded today to Glassfish 4.1. We have a problem with our remote
> EJBs returning very slowly. What used to return in 10 seconds on Glassfish
> 3.1 now returns in 2 minutes. The “slowness” appears to be in the return
> from the Remote EJB to the client that called it. Any idea why this is
> occurring?