[gf-users] Re: Remote Deploy Problems

From: Dennis Gesker <>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 09:02:30 -0600

Good Morning:

Just thought I'd ping/bump on this one to see if anyone is having any luck.

Or, if there is anything you would recommend I try so that I might add
something useful to or


On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Dennis Gesker <> wrote:

> I just pulled down a copy of glassfish-4.0 and tried to deploy to my
> remote glassfish-4.1 via the command line and got the same java.util
> .concurrent.TimeoutException
> so I guess I'm a little bit off from what Phillip is experiencing.
> Any other ideas or other things that would be useful to try?
> Dennis
> On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Reza Rahman <>
> wrote:
>> Great - I appreciate your sticking with it and not giving up.
>> On 9/21/2014 1:01 AM, Phillip Ross wrote:
>>> Well, interestingly, in IDEA, there is a checkbox in the deployment
>>> configuration labeled "Upload with GlassFish" which may be intended to
>>> toggle the --upload option on and off when deploying. Whether the
>>> checkbox is selected or not, the same problem occurs for me. The lack
>>> of visibility into exactly what IDEA is doing is a little
>>> frustrating... the JEE bits of IDEA are not opensource. I have my
>>> workaround for now, and was planning to contact Jetbrains and
>>> officially document the problem I'm having. I was assuming that they
>>> would simply say that 4.1 is not officially supported yet. It's quite
>>> possible that the deployment from IDEA problem is not the same problem
>>> as the deployment with --upload problem... but the similarity in the
>>> error messages makes me think that they might be related.
>>> Maybe I should file a bug in Jira against glassfish 4.1 release with
>>> explicit instructions and a deployable file to show that --upload does
>>> not work?
>>> Then file a separate issue with Jetbrains for the deployment problem
>>> from within the IDE?
>>> Thanks for all the help!
>>> - Phillip
>>> On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 10:46 PM, Reza Rahman <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> OK. No promises, but let me see if one of our engineers can take a look
>>>> at
>>>> this. In the meanwhile, does it make sense to get the intellij guys to
>>>> change their plugin as well? Is --upload really necessary in this case
>>>> (noting that most of the time you can safely omit it)?
>>>> On 9/20/2014 10:35 PM, Phillip Ross wrote:
>>>>> Sorry, I might have confused things as I was in a hurry when I wrote
>>>>> the previous response.
>>>>> My installion of 4.0 works fine... I can do remote deployed to the 4.0
>>>>> server with the asadmin included in the 4.0 installation. Intellij is
>>>>> configured to use this 4.0 installation and is able to deploy to the
>>>>> 4.0 server perfectly. It works very well.
>>>>> I tested 4.0.1 promoted builds, and 4.1 promoted builds, and now the
>>>>> 4.1 final release... and these have the same problem that was reported
>>>>> in the two issues. I was not able to deploy to a 4.1 server with the
>>>>> asadmin included in the 4.1 installation. It exhibited the same
>>>>> behaviors as are documented in the jira issues. I was able to find
>>>>> some "workarounds" though. I found that I was able to do a deployment
>>>>> with the asadmin in the 4.1 installation to the 4.1 server by NOT
>>>>> using the --upload param w/ asadmin which I've been using for a long
>>>>> time with prior versions of glassfish. Unfortunately, intellij IDEA
>>>>> is still not able to do this. What I am able to do in IDEA, however,
>>>>> is to point IDEA at a 4.0 installation and then point it at a 4.1
>>>>> server. Doing this allows me to deploy the application in IDEA to a
>>>>> 4.1 server... but I believe that it's using the 4.0 installation to
>>>>> accomplish this. And when I say 4.0 installation... I don't mean a
>>>>> 4.0 server is running... just that the software is installed and IDEA
>>>>> is configured to use it as it's configured glassfish installation.
>>>>> Hopefully this makes things a little more clear. (hopefully) ;)
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> - Phillip
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 8:50 PM, Reza Rahman <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Not sure I entirely follow but I mean when the deployment target is
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> GlassFish 4.0 release version.
>>>>>> On 9/20/2014 8:14 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 19:31:40 -0400
>>>>>> From:
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: [gf-users] Re: Remote Deploy Problems
>>>>>> Sorry if this is a dumb question - does this occur with the 4.0
>>>>>> release?
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> makes a difference in terms of tracing this down to root cause and
>>>>>> prioritizing properly.
>>>>>> MG>you mean use the 4.0 installation to upload to a 4.0 server?
>>>>>> On 9/18/2014 4:06 PM, Dennis Gesker wrote:
>>>>>> Reza, Phillip:
>>>>>> I am having the same failure to deploy using the command line.
>>>>>> Identical error messages as I described when trying to remote deploy
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> within NetBeans.
>>>>>> Dennis
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Phillip Ross
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I was having the same issue as well with promoted builds of 4.0.1 that
>>>>>> i was testing... and was disappointed to see that the issue remained
>>>>>> in 4.1 clear up to final release.
>>>>>> For me, the asadmin utility fails if the --upload param is used, but
>>>>>> if --upload is not used, then the deployment works. Also... Intellij
>>>>>> IDEA has the same problem. My workaround is to use a 4.0 installation
>>>>>> to upload to a 4.1 server It's not optimal but it appears to work for
>>>>>> the time being.
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Reza Rahman <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Have you tried a remote deploy via asadmin (I know the other person
>>>>>>> tried
>>>>>>> this)? If that works this might be a NetBeans issue. Also, is this a
>>>>>>> fresh
>>>>>>> deploy or a redeploy? If it's a redeploy, it might be worthwhile to
>>>>>>> try
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> do an undeploy first?
>>>>>>> On 9/17/2014 4:50 PM, Dennis Gesker wrote:
>>>>>>>> Remote deploy seems to be an issue. I got a "me too" on the nbusers
>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>> but no suggestions on a work around.
>>>>>>>> My Entry is:
>>>>>>>> bhicks01 pointed out it seems similar to:
>>>>>>>> Could anyone offer a suggestion or perhaps a work around? I would be
>>>>>>>> truly
>>>>>>>> grateful.
>>>>>>>> --drg