[gf-users] Re: Handling env-entry application configuration with Glassfish

From: Lachezar Dobrev <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 19:19:23 +0300

  Using the console I was unable to make it work.

  After making your suggested changes:

  - Replace @Resource with simplified path
   * this seems to work in the other servers too

  - Hard-code env-entry-value in web.xml

  The application now deploys.

  Digging down I was able to progress one step further:
   bin/asadmin set-web-env-entry ...
  allows changing the environment entries, but:

  1. A hard-coded value in web.xml must be present for this to work
  2. I could not find a place in the web console to perform this task.

2014-07-22 15:11 GMT+03:00 Reza Rahman <>:
> Let's kindly start from a working baseline before getting into a discussion of what should and should not be.
> Did my suggested changes work?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 22, 2014, at 5:37 AM, Lachezar Dobrev <> wrote:
>> 1. Yes, env-entry-value is not filled.
>> These are configuration parameters, and I do not know what values
>> they will be assigned at deployment time. Hence the env-entry-value is
>> missing, and I *expect* them to be filled on deployment using whatever
>> means the server has. Manually *fixing* the web.xml descriptor in an
>> already packaged (and possibly cryptographically signed) WAR file is
>> not my idea of server deployment tools.
>> 2. Do I *need* to omit the java:comp/env, or I *can* omit the prefix?
>> With other J2EE servers I was only able to get it running using the
>> full java:comp/env/config/user location.
>> I find it hard to believe, that deploying and configuring an
>> application would require:
>> a) Hard-coding values by the developer.
>> b) Manually editing packaged files by hand.
>> Am I missing something? Am I supposed to recompile/repackage the WAR
>> for every instance? Because I can't find a way for this to work
>> otherwise. I thought I am to provide a WAR file with declared
>> references to configuration parameters, that are configured/linked
>> when deploying to the server.
>> After hard-coding some values for the configuration attributes in
>> web.xml and attempting to deploy the application I got:
>>> An error has occurred
>>> Error occurred during deployment: null. Please see server.log for more details.
>> And the server.log has:
>>> [2014-07-22T12:28:03.320+0300] [glassfish 4.0] [INFO] [] [org.glassfish.admingui] [tid: _ThreadID=122 _ThreadName=admin-listener(9)] [timeMillis: 1406021283320] [levelValue: 800] [[
>>> Exception Occurred :Error occurred during deployment: null. Please see server.log for more details.]]
>> Which is unhelpful to say the least. I suspect a NPE occurs
>> somewhere on the server, but the exception is
>> masked/wrapped/ignored/printed and the actual cause eludes me.
>> The same thing happens if I try to deploy the application without
>> starting it: I get an error message 'null', and then trying to deploy
>> the application again yields:
>>> An error has occurred
>>> Error occurred during deployment: Application name DemoApplication is already in use. Please pick a different name.. Please see server.log for more details.
>> 2014-07-21 21:25 GMT+03:00 Reza Rahman <>:
>>> You seem to have two problems:
>>> * env-entry-value is undefined.
>>> * You simply need @Resource(name = "config/user")
>>>> On 7/21/2014 11:53 AM, Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
>>>> Hello all.
>>>> I'm having trouble using environment entries to configure an
>>>> application on deployment in Glassfish.
>>>> web.xml:
>>>> <web-app ...>
>>>> <env-entry>
>>>> <env-entry-name>config/user</env-entry-name>
>>>> <env-entry-type>java.lang.String</env-entry-type>
>>>> </env-entry>
>>>> </web-app>
>>>> @ApplicationScoped
>>>> public class ServiceProducer {
>>>> @Produces
>>>> @Default
>>>> public Service get() {
>>>> return new ServiceImpl(user);
>>>> }
>>>> private String user;
>>>> @Resource(name = "java:comp/env/config/user")
>>>> public void setUser(String user) {
>>>> this.user = user;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> With "GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 (build 89)" the
>>>> ServiceProducer.get() is called before setUser() is called.
>>>> I'm at a loss here: How can I configure the application?
>>>> I have added a config/user JNDI Custom Resource:
>>>> Resource Type: java.lang.String
>>>> Factory Class:
>>>> org.glassfish.resources.custom.factory.PrimitivesAndStringFactory
>>>> Status : Enabled (checked)
>>>> Properties:
>>>> name = "value", value = "ConfiguredUserName"
>>>> Please advise! I'm getting seriously frustrated with this.