Updatetool question

From: Gustavo Kataoka <>
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014 08:22:15 -0400


I'm trying to learn java ee, but I'm having problems to run the updatetool
of glassfish on linux.
It appears a message that says: "reading time out".
I'm not an expert en bash, but checking the code of updatetool, when it
asks if it have to use the system proxy, the correct code would be?:

    if [ ! -z "$http_proxy" ]; then
        echo "proxy.use.system=true" >> "$BOOTSTRAPPROPS"

Instead of:

    if [ -z "$http_proxy" ]; then
        echo "proxy.use.system=true" >> "$BOOTSTRAPPROPS"

Because -z asks if the value is empty or null, so if NOT empty the proxy
must be used.?

Gustavo Kataoka